"Remember - buy your beer before Saturday!"
This was the wisdom that my Latin American Politics professor bestowed upon us not just once, but twice, in two separate classes, last week. Why, you ask? Well, because Sunday October 26 was election day in Santiago. And I suppose the government would prefer people to be sober when they cast their votes, thus no booze for sale from Saturday at noon until Sunday evening. (Apparently they still do this in South Carolina, Utah, Indiana and Oklahoma too). Anyways, I don't think that law is really a big deal...I just thought it was funny that my professor mentioned the law twice and didn't really talk to us about the structure of local elections or any other election news either before or after.
The Lineup
Not a presidential election year down here, but rather just time to vote for alcaldes (mayors) and concejales (town councilor). The election spirit was zumbando (translation:"buzzing") (...sorry, i just wanted to use that word) all around during the past few weeks and I quite enjoyed observing Chilean campaign strategies.
These are some of my favorites:
- The Cardboard Cutout. Mr. Uriarte had these creepy cutouts of himself lining the sidewalks, spreading his message via the little caption bubbles above the cutouts' heads. I felt like the guy was following me as I walked. Gave me the willies.

- The poser. This guy Zalaquett totally ripped off the Zorro "Z". Granted there aren't many ways you can write a Z and granted it isn't his fault that his last name begins with a Z...but still.

- The Dentist. Don't have a picture of the last guy but this one candidate gave out toothbrushes with some corny slogan like "Smile and vote for Mr. Lyle". I think he was a dentist in his civilian life...but still, aren't gimmicky giveaways for high school elections? (Sidenote: not going to lie- I was pretty excited about the toothbrush. My neighbor/dentist back home used to give out toothbrushes on Halloween every year so I was happy to receive an October toothbrush gift :)
It's Raining Men
I was out of town this weekend, but came home on Sunday afternoon around 1PM. As I walked back to my apartment, I felt a bit out of place...the streets were swarming with hundreds and hundreds of men! Usually, I would have stuck around to observe a bit more...however, I had a heavy backpack on and was ready to get home. Besides, most of the guys were fairly old and unattractive. Bummer.
So yes, the reason for this swarm of the other sex is due to the election. For some reason (perhaps for statistical reasons?), men and women have separate times to vote. And apparently I was walking past a polling location during the boys' turn.
I survived election day 2008 round one. One more week till round two. Crossing my fingers...especially for Mr. Heckman!!
Vote vote vote!!
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